Thanks for having me. Thank you very much. I don't know, I guess it was in my blood lol. Prior to this video of mine i only done like 20 mins of "practise", so I really don't know how I did it. Yeah aim hopefully getting a drumometer soon, so I can set new scores. Yes Bell percussion do, you type in 'Bell percussion WFD event' into youtube. Its ok, its just a quick summary of the day. My final score was 976, I was ashamed
hahah. But I guess since I have never really practised, that was to be expected. My best on the day was like 1087 or something like that.
I will try and practise my technique to be able to tell you properly what I am doing. Some people have said its like Jotan's technique, but I don't shake. When you speed up you utilise less movement and that what I am doing all wrist and a tiny bit of fingers when I need to.
Thank you!!!