Two Fun Videos of WFD Champs from back in the day!

Two Fun Videos of WFD Champs from back in the day!

Postby 2xbdrumn » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:36 am

These videos feature Daniel Rice, Matt Smith and others having fun at the hotel during a WFD comp. the links are and

Maybe Daniel or Matt can give us some insight as to what is really going on here :?: :lol:

I had seen this a while back and ask if I could repost. really funny cool and wacky stuff! :lol:
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Re: Two Fun Videos of WFD Champs from back in the day!

Postby mattsmith » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:55 am

Haha what a fun night that was. That was the day We all met Tom for the first time. We all went to Daniels hotel room the night before the comp to jam out and talk. I dont remember whos idea itwas but eventually we all gathered around the drummometer and did a run. Lol we were all shocked by the the somewhat low score afterwards. I cant quite remember but it was something like 980. We came to the conclusion that most of our strokes were cancelling eachother out.
Anyways just another great moment in WFD history.....
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